Monday, December 4

Be Not Deceived

Defining "ME" 
(Mr One ZED)

Episode 1.

God and I.

People often ask me very intimate questions, the chief of which is my position with God.
I sometimes do not know how to answer it directly, without people feeling offended, by my sense of humor and principles of life.

I say principles, without any interjections, because already someone would wonder why and how anybody would be offended by something as mere as principles.

I still would stand by my stance though, simply because what is principle to me may sound rubbish, to whoever is ready and willing to learn. 

That is how come anybody standing in such a ‘position of inquiry’, would feel disrespected when I decide to unveil my side of God's position in my life.

I am an old soul, brought up by a very humble woman, God rest her gentle soul. 
I grew up to know what I know now, following some of the principal teachings of this humble woman, without knowing any other thing as churches, sects or religions of today. She taught me a principle which helped me live a life of calling a spade what it actually is, without any shades of grey.
I was raised to say what is right by an entire community of personalities, most of humble beginnings, without fear or favor. These principles I held on to, till date.

After her passing, over 20 long years or more, I realised there will be no responsible, rational, thoughtful, considerable or a cultured me, if I had dropped any of these principles, to follow what the world of today believes to be the culture of the day. 

The culture of how things that used to be abominable practices, have become the accepted norms of the day. Where young men and their counterparts behave, act and talk like they gave birth to the 'elderlies' in society; that things, which were not at first meant for children, are now what they toy with even as toddlers.

I am scared to my marrow, every time thoughts of "what if I never had principles" hit my mind. I could never imagine how my life would have been even right this minute as I write down this piece. 
I could never see myself dropping these principles of the life I was blessed with, for anything of this so-called modern, civilized advanced world of astronomically inclined information technology, where the present generation rarely ever cultivate
the habit of reading to inform, educate and transform their own thought-forms, about life in general. I just simply could never let myself to be one of such a clueless generation.

These are the principles a mortal being, even a virtuous woman, groomed me with, and that even after she's passed on, I could never let her down by dropping even the most intricate of which would make me feel and look like a villager to admit and obey, in front of an ocean of eyes, to the hearing of countless heads with ears. I always would respect those principles no matter what come may.

Now, back to the question asked about God's position in my life... If a mortal being could groom me to this point of being eternally loyal to her teachings and principles, where do you think I would place God, the autonomous supremacy over all things seen and unseen, mortal and immortal, in my life? 
The answer to that is left onto you, the reader, whoever you are and where you come from. This is one of the ways this journal would start off "Defining Me".

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