Saturday, December 30

Wisdom: From The Mice Colony: (Penniless Thoughts) Kindle Edition

Be Not Deceived

I have decided to take a bold step, to put myself out there to be mocked at, ridiculed, praised, encouraged among limitless choice of remarks from readers across the globe, without whom our efforts to make a record of our thoughts would be needless.
An eBook of the above title was submitted, reviewed and published by Amazon and available on sale. To show readers how I want to keep their thirst informative and educative more especially, I set the minimum price as can be seen on the covers of the book. More work will be done to get the paperback version ready but that I cannot promise as yet.
Below is an excerpt taken from how the story line started off in the tiny ebook. I just never took the time to read it till now, which is why I decided to share it with my readership. If you think it is exciting, the link to the online store will be provided below. Thank you and I appreciate your time for checking the blog post out. Please visit often.

I hail from an impoverished family, usually referred to as a people with a very humble beginning. Language is a figure of speech with its dynamism of application and implications. Enough jargon for just one day, my guy. Back on topic, I happen to be the black sheep of my family of many children with unimaginable talents. I'm the only kid whose talent was and still is undefined and encrypted with a lot of complications than any of my parents could decrypt. Myself included. So I was left alone to my fate. Why I'm saying all these personal stuffs about myself to you without any sense of remorse and shame, I can't figure. But I believe, honesty is priceless if and when you have the courage to dare. I'm talking about being the rejected stone that stands the chief cornerstone, not just of my family but a greater community of reputable individuals, across the world. The status quo of my family had never been a dream killer but a reference point of “motivation to press on till my last breath”. As to whether I have been able to break through, that’s something I'll leave to you all listening to me after you hear rest of my story.

 Amazon Kindle Store here....

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